Sprunging My Daylight!

I’ve heard so many people complain about Daylight Saving(s) Time over the last few days it ain’t even proper.  I feel left out because I frigfrabbed LOVE daylight… and saving is cool too… but daylight pretty much irons my knickers… and that’s a good thing despite the use of the word irons in that made-up phrase.  I so look forward to it every year (the spring version… not the autumn one) because it means that I’ll get more daylight later at night… my heart soars with the eagles’ nest.  I don’t care that I’ve lost an hour of sleep and now my ticking time bomb clock is thrown out of whack (I woke up late this morning… sue me…)  It just makes me feel all hopeful and dream-full and full of springtime lust…  But, most of all it means I made it through the winter.

I ain’t dumb… I know we live in Cache Valley and winter is not over… we’ll probably be getting snow and cold on and off through at least May or June… but it means we’re out of the worst part of it… and that makes me happy as a clam jumped out of the Jumbalaya pot.  Did I mention my heart was soaring with the vulture’s nest yet?

It probably helped that this past weekend was the most springfull, beautiful weekend I’ve seen yet… temperatures in the 50s… blue sky… sunshine… oh laws… I have a fever and it’s name is spring!  It made me want to run to the store and buy a Sponge Bob kite… and a Girl Scout Cookie (which I did… dang you, Girls and your scouting cookies!)

Madre and I walked the River Walk on Saturday afternoon.  The scenery was still ugly… all brown and leafless trees… and seriously, they need to manicure their trees over there… it’s like George of the Jungle had a tree house fire… but then every once in a while we’d hit a clearing and get a glimpse of the beautiful blue mountains capped with white… and it made me happy… and hopeful… and wanting to joint the Girl Scouts just during cookie season.  You could use an overgrown soaring vulture’s nest chic, couldn’t you girls?  For serious!

Question of the Day:  Do you like spring Daylight Saving Time?  What is your favorite kind of Girl Scout cookie?

PS… Major congratulations to my cute cuzzin, Jen-Jen and her husband, Seth on the safe arrival of their healthy baby boy today!!!  I’m not going to lie… I’ll probably try to steal him!  😛


Filed under Getting A Life

19 responses to “Sprunging My Daylight!

  1. Mandy Schalk

    I kinda like it kinda dont. LOL! I like it because my kids sleep in longer, so I get to sleep in longer! I don’t like it so much because I had S.A.D. and it is much worse with it getting light later.
    My Fav cookie is the blasted Somoas. OMG! Thet are TOOO good!!!

    • Aww… we must have the opposite versions of SAD… I have it in the winter when it’s dark for most of the time. It’s a crazy disorder, I tell you what! Sending hugs your way!

  2. Avster

    I prefer the change in the fall when we gain an hour (who doesn’t like receiving an extra hour of sleep!), but I don’t mind springing forward either. It’s just one, measly hour and I don’t understand why so many people complain about it.

    Congrats to Jen and Seth! 🙂

    • That extra hour of sleep costs me my nighttime lightness!! Maybe we could compromise… I’ll set your alarm so you can sleep in for an extra hour if you let me keep my spring DST!

  3. cl2

    It is 70 here in Colorado–talk about spring fever. When I left just over 2 weeks ago, I had to leave a few days early because of 2 storms blowing in that week. It feels odd that it changed so much while I was gone!

    No–I don’t like the change to daylight savings, but we are kind of lucky with our jobs not requiring we get up at 5 or so (I used to work at Thiokol–so that was a real pain). BUT I love having daylight into the evenings.

    • Wow… 70 degrees is like nearing summer! Are you still in CO? If you come back this weekend, we’re going back down to the late 30s in temperature… so get your coat out again! 😛

      I got my GS cookies in front of the supermarket on Saturday. They were selling them there, those little boogers!

  4. cl2

    Oh–and girl scout cookies. Mike found some here a few weeks ago and I went looking for more afterwards and haven’t found any yet. I love a lot of them–thin mints of course, but I love samoas, too, and I haven’t had those yet. Maybe I’ll go look today.

  5. dessawade

    Like daylight savings time ALOT! I like more light at night and don’t miss the dark in the morning so much. We bought a lemon girl scout cookie in Las Vegas but I haven’t been able to find that same cookie here in Logan. That was probably my favorite along with the thin mint.

  6. Sarah

    Samoas and thin mints, but for my sake the little girl scout boogers never come out down here.

  7. I love that it’s light out later- but I hate waking up early for work…. there’s pros and cons to both spring & autumn time changes..lol

    Thin Mints & Tagalongs are my FAV- I havent even bought a box this year… wow – amazing those little girls didn’t get to me yet!

    • Yes… it sucks having to get up in the darkness, but I’m all about my nighttime anyway. I already hate mornings… might as well hate them with dark!

      Tagalongs are too good!

  8. Louisa a.k.a. ProudMomOfTwo

    YAY Spring has sprung here too!!
    I know we will probably get a dusting of snow on Easter, like the last couple of Easters but that will be about it.
    Our daffodils and crocus are up and the trees are already shedding their outer bud coating.
    Our horses are starting to shed their winter coats.
    Our cats are wanting to sun on the deck more too.

    Question of the Day: Do you like spring Daylight Saving Time?

    I like another hour of daylight.

    What is your favorite kind of Girl Scout cookie?
    Samoa / Caramel Delights – same cookie, different name over the yrs.
    I love the Thin Mint Blizzard at Dairy Queen…yum!

    • Awww… I love that your plants are already budding. I haven’t seen much of that yet. Give it a few more weeks and hopefully we’ll start to see it!

      I haven’t had the thin mint blizzard… I might have to save up my cals for a special treat day.

  9. Julie

    It was in the 70’s today! So nice! Even the sky is gorgeous tonight, full of stars. I normally don’t like losing an hour of sleep, but I didn’t even notice it this year, and I too am enjoying the day.

  10. Susan

    I’m happy to have the extra light in the evenings, even if it means driving to work in the dark. We’ve had nice spring weather here in the Fort Worth area for a couple of weeks. My plants are daring to bud and grow leaves, so I’m ready for spring.

    As for those blasted GS cookies, I love a thin mint (most bang for your buck on calories) but I also love peanut butter tagalongs. Naughty!

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