Twelve Miles of Nonsensical Ramblings…

I had this thought that my first (almost) half marathon would be like I was Rocky… all running victoriously across the finish line after looking like a dagnabbed warrior with perfect hair and makeup the whole way through.  That’s exactly what happened… in my head… and no one could tell me otherwise because I only listen to the voices in my head.

What follows is a glimpse inside my head during 12 miles of agony!

Mile 1

Oh what a beautiful morning… oh what a beautiful day… I’ve got a beautiful feeling… everything’s going my way.  

Because there was always a song running through my head… ALWAYS.  I brought my iPOD, but I never used it because I was too weakened to get it out of my pack and turn it on.  Effort… not on my side.  Do you want me to do things with my hands or my feet… one or the other… this is not a package deal!

Mile 2

As you can plainly see, my shoes broke.  The best ones I had too.  😛  Actually, I fought with myself on which shoes I should wear to attempt this thing.  The rocking horse shoes (aka shape-ups) won out because I was concerned about my plantar fasciitis flaring and ain’t no way anyone is happy with that bugger flaring!  I soon found out how dumb an idea it was to wear rocking horse shoes, whose sole purpose is to tone and shape your calve muscles and your rear receptacle muscles… my calves started cramping 8 miles in… they were on fire!!!   Call the fire department… except not really.

Mile 3

#*$*@)(($#*)@#()… insert expletives!!!  The wrist holder I was using to carry my camera with broke and the camera busted… it was all bent out of shape and refused to turn on.  I spent the next 9 miles saying every few feet… Gee… if my camera didn’t break I could have taken a picture of that.  

The last picture before the breakage was not of me, thank all that be holy hallelujah!  I’ve always said that’s the reason I don’t take many pictures… fear of breaking the camera!  Instead, it was this one…

Myth, myth, myth… it ain’t just ugly that breaks your picture takers!   I buried good ole cammy in the backyard… you served me well… on occasion… but only since September, so actually you’re still under warranty, but I’m pretty sure the warranty doesn’t cover some doo hickey dropping it on the ground!  Would they go for, it was spontaneous combustion?

Mile 4

If that horse wasn’t dead, he’s the first horse skilled in the art of deep meditation.   Madonna would be proud.  

Theme song at this juncture… Froggy went a courtin’ and he did ride, uh huh uh huh.  Froggy went a courtin’ and he did ride, uh huh!

Don’t ask me why… insanity knows no bounds!

Mile 5

I’m eating pancakes when I’m done.  Pancakes with syrup served by a lady named Betty Crocker with her good friend Aunt Jemima.  

Mile 6

My ankles were going to fall off… pretty sure it had to do with the fact that my rocking horse shoes were walking on the side of the road, slanting to the side for so long… so we traded sides of the road and then my other ankle started aching.  Can’t win for losing.  It was at this juncture that I also sat my butt on a bench in front of my alma mater (Sky View High)… and had to practically use shockwave therapy to get my butt back up off the bench.

Mile 7

I started hallucinating at this point… mile 7 happened to be up a big ole long hill, like 18 miles long, which would only make sense if I actually walked 18 miles.  Carry on.

My favorite phrase at this point, which Madre quickly grew tired of… I swear to you… if I find out via this HRM that I only burned 10 calories, I’ll go batcrap crazy around town.  Don’t try to reign me in, either!  

Mile 8

Chicken convention… seriously.  Two white tents set up with 8 bajillion chickens and roosters pecking around… knowing my history of bird run ins, I crossed the street…  Pretty sure I could hear the chickens telling that famous joke they’re so fond of…

Why did the idiot human cross the road?  

Mile 9

I keep bleeding keep keep bleeding love… I keep bleeding… keep keep bleeding love… Except I changed the words to:  I keep heaving keep keep heaving up… I keep heaving… and then it was… my ache aching ache ache aching feet… my ache aching ache ache aching feet.  

I ran out of pride by mile 9… plopped myself right down on some person’s cinder block in their front yard… which would have been comfortable, except it was absolutely not… felt more like I was sitting on a piece of cement with 2 holes in it… oh, wait…

I’m sure they were looking out the window all like… where the crap did this hobo come from and is she moving in?  But she sure looks good running!  😛   Texted cuzzin Jen to drive 3 hours from Rexburg to bring me a bottle of Jack Daniels and a case of Percocet.  She declined… the NERVE!!!

Mile 10

THE AGONY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I passed a cemetery and if I’d have had a shovel, I’d have totes took a nap.  They also were setting up for a graveside burial, putting chairs out and such… SO TEMPTING!!  But I restrained myself and hobbled my broken down legs away from it.  Imagine some poor unsuspecting family wondering which side I was from… looked like a rat just come in from the sewer grate.

Mile 11 

Insert every body part into the following sentence… Oh, my aching ___________ !!!!!

At this point I was also cursing the fact that I never perfected walking on my hands.  Think of how “hand”y that would have been… bwahahahahahaha… get it?  After having been asked by Madre for the last 5 miles if I was ready to call in the backup transportation and having said no every time… I finally consented to taking the shortcut… this is where my 13 miles became 12.

Mile 12

Pretty sure at this point I was just rambling just to make sure I was still alive.  Quoted most of the lines from Anne of Green Gables, including something about being Kindred Spirits with the magpies.  Also, wondered aloud if Madre had brought a wagon in her back pocket that I could ride the rest of the way in.  Literally had never been so happy in my entire lifetime to see my house… and to know that there was ibuprofen and a couch on the other side of the door… and a shower!  But mostly ibuprofen.

Question of the Day:  What brand of shoes are your favorite?


Filed under Exercise

28 responses to “Twelve Miles of Nonsensical Ramblings…

  1. cl2

    Azics gel–and I only come by this secondhand. My daughter uses them for running and gives me her castoffs. Most comfortable walking shoes I’ve ever used. The toes don’t squish together and I don’t get blisters on some of my toes and my toenails don’t turn purple. Yes–I’ve had that happen several times–like everytime I start walking again. Love those Azics so much better than any I’ve ever used.

    I can’t believe you made it 12 miles in your shapeups! I’m sure you would have made it 13 in a different pair. Oh–and next time take the ibuprofen before you leave!! The furthest I’ve made it is 8 miles at once–but I’m going to aim for the 13 by the end of the summer. You’ve inspired me.

    • Haha… I think it looks cooler spelled Azics anyway. They should really take a note from you! My mom loves Asics too! She just bought her a new pair the other day. 8 miles is a rockstar number… that’s about the time I wanted to vomit. Go, Colleen with your 13 goal!

  2. cl2

    That is Asics–I even looked up the spelling and then spelled it wrong anyway.

  3. Mandy

    I think you are amazing. Way to go, Whitney!

  4. Avster

    The BareFoot brand is my favorite.

    That’s what my Peeps flip-flop did to me, except I repaired it with some good, ol’ duck tape. 🙂

    • You made me cringe again with your barefoot comment. Laws almighty… rusty nails… nasty dirt… dirty feets!?!? You need to Google barefoot shoes… you need to get you some of those… it’s like caveman apparel, but colorful!

  5. Good for you, Whitney! I’m proud of you! The photos are gorgeous too! My favorite brand of running shoes? Brooks! BTW- the half marathon is how I lost my two toe nails! They still don’t look right, but I can file the top of them and make them flat enough to paint and then no one can tell but me. Thank heavens!

    • I remember your poor toenails and I could totally see how that would happen. My toes were hurting being rubbed against the front of my shoe for so long. Glad you found a way to disguise them! My sister loves Brooks too! I bought me a pair last week, but am going to wear them around the house for a while just to make sure I like them.

      How is your poor finger doing?

      • I’m going back to the doctor on Friday to see if it is healing right. I’ve taken a peek at it when changing out the splint and it hangs kinda funny, but in the big picture… I mean, it’s just a finger! I’ve got my mind on more important things. My husband and I are adopting a baby girl next month! So I’ve been busy getting all my ducks in a row and the nursery ready, etc… This is the answer to a 7 year prayer of mine. I’ll blog about it when I get a chance. In the meantime, gotta get ready for the social worker to check out my house, under the cabinets, the refrigerator, etc… Lots to do. 🙂

    • Oh my goodness, Julie! How exciting for you guys! Super happy for you and your soon-to-be new little girl! What a blessing for you! I’ll await the blog and hopefully pictures when she arrives. Congratulations… no one deserves it more!

  6. Tia

    Half Whit, I read you loudly and clearly! And I am so impressed with you (as usual). I will be your moral support — just keep your phone in hand and call me next time you need a boost and encouragement. I am looking forward to running at 5K with you in September….

    • Wait… I need to bow to the marathoning master!!! How many is this when you finish the one in June, T? Like 35? I still do not know how you do it… but that’s what happens when you are superwoman, complete with the cape! Thanks for the encouragement, T.

  7. Tia

    P.S. My favorite brand of shoes? I’d say it depends on what you’re doing in them. Drrrr! Walking and running shoes boast different features. For running, I favor Nike, Asics, Mizuno, Brooks, and occasionally Saucony. It’s not so much the brand I seek when I am buying a new pair as the color theme. If I am going to wear a fluorescent yellow, I best be running fast, for everyone would be looking at me feet! Love ya.

  8. You did it! Great pictures! Sorry about your camera–I hope you get a new one soon.
    I am still trying to figure out a great pair of shoes. I have a pair of Nike shoes that are really comfy.

    • Comfort is my only requirement when it comes to shoe purchasing!! It’s just not worth it otherwise! I’m hoping a camera just falls out of the sky and hits me in the noggin one day… that would be much easier than trying to shop for one!

  9. Louisa a.k.a. ProudMomToTwo

    Question of the Day: What brand of shoes are your favorite?
    Honestly, I don’t look for a specific brand. I start trying on shoes until I get the right fit and support. If the sale price works for me all the better – then those are the perfect shoes for me.

  10. Natalie

    Wow to you!

  11. What a funny commentary! Wish I could have made it with the drugs and booze. I like Saucony running shoes. But this year I want to spoil myself and actually go to a specialized running shoe store and have them fit me for the perfect shoe for my foot.

  12. Adrienne

    I never get to pick my running shoes – I have orthotics made (for flat feet), and the foot guy tells me what model I’m getting. Which happen to be Saucony.
    So proud of you for doing this! Now go reward yourself with an awesome pair of walking shoes. Get your feet looked at by a pro, and get fitted out properly. You’ll be doing another half marathon before you know it!

    • Ooo… orthotics! Hopefully those help your foot issue. I love when an expert will just tell you what to get. I for sure need to visit one of those pros and find out!

  13. Susan

    I am so proud of you for tackling this -wow!!! You are incredible. I’m tired just thinking of walking that far.

    I wear Asics for my cardio/strength/torture sessions at the gym. But when I’m walking – just walking – I wear Easy Spirits. No, I’m not 112, but I have shoes that would make you think that I am. But I have found them to be the most comfortable walking shoes.

    • LOL!!! Torture at the gym is right! How is your Polar fiasco coming along? I’m so totally with you on comfort over fashion. My Shape-Ups happen to be the most hideous shoes on the planet… I don’t care… they help my fasciitis, I’m wearing them!

      • Susan

        My Polar fiasco is a fiasco no more! Polar has made it all good with new parts/pieces that work. I have accurately calculated my VO2 score and getting somewhat reasonable results. It would have helped last night if I had actually hit the “start” button when the trainer started the session.

    • Thank all that be holy they were able to fix it! Nothing worse for motivation than seeing such horrid numbers when you expect more!

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