Oh Nothing… Just 4 o’Stinking Clock In the Morning…

Ask me why I’m just getting around to typing up a blog post at 4:00 in the morning?  Ask me!  I haven’t heard anyone ask me yet, but that’s never shut me up before.  I was laughing up my guttocks… I don’t know if I was delusional because I was tired or because it was actually funny stuff, but I watched like 6 episodes of the Family Feud hosted by Steve Harvey, who is the funniest dude on the planet on that show.   He made me choke on my Gefilte fish… and I’ve never even eaten Gefilte fish.  That’s some talent right there.   Would totally recommend checking him out if you’re in need of a laugh at 4:00 in the morning.

Other people/shows that make me laugh, most of which I have to DVR and then watch in the middle of the night during my insomnia sprees so I can fast forward the commercials:

– I Love Lucy… I still remember running to the TV to watch that show at noon everyday when I was 6 years old… during summer break, of course.  It was definitely my favorite show at the time… and I’d still add it to my list today.

– The Office (seasons 1 through 6)… it’s a shell of it’s former self these days minus Steve Carrell and his hilarity (seasons 7 and 8), but I still watch it out of loyalty.

– Parks and Recreation… Leslie Knope reigns!

– Ellen DeGeneres… girl is FUN-NEE with a capital all the letters.  And who doesn’t smile when she whips out the dance moves?

– Brian Regan, comedian… Cache Valleyites… he’s coming back to Logan to the Ellen Eccles Theater on November 29, 30, and December 1st.  I got my ticket.  If you haven’t seen him and there are still tickets left, I’d definitely recommend getting them.   Guaranteed to leave a smile on your food stuffer… and the best part his stuff is clean and family friendly!

The Utah Jazz versus the San Antonio Spurs in the NBA playoffs…  I’ll take it back… that was more sad than anything.  I don’t watch basketball, but my folks are die hard fans.  Some of the scores I heard from them were hilarity to the 55th degree!  Poor young Jazz team!


Just wanted to wish all the sweet moms out there a very happy Mother’s Day this weekend, especially my momma.  Thank you for all you do… and in such a selfless way too.  Your kids may not be able to see it until they’re older, but they appreciate it more than you know!  Keep rocking your bad selves, mommas!  Love… Your Kids…

Question of the Day:  Who makes you laugh?  Which TV shows/movies make you laugh? 


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20 responses to “Oh Nothing… Just 4 o’Stinking Clock In the Morning…

  1. kim

    Glad to know I’m not the only one up at these ungodly hours! Thanks for the reminders on those shows..gonna have to do some huluing later! My husband and I are caught up on Mad Men..we watched season 1-4 over the past couple of months..can I just say how much I LOVE Don Draper!! Can not get enough of him..found this funny link on youtube if you like you some Don..check it out! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsJSRP7cZVo
    Have a great day:) KIm

    • I have seen a few episodes of Mad Men… Jon Hamm is a pretty dude! Y’all should hulu/netflix Friday Night Lights. If you like Jon, you’ll like Eric Taylor!

  2. Avster


    I think it’s probably easier to ask me, “What doesn’t make you laugh?” I generally see the amusing in most situations, even if I have to stretch my mind a bit.

  3. cl2

    For me–funny thing is that if I put in something to watch at night that I like, I fall immediately asleep. When it ends, I wake up. If I have the TV on–as long as there is a show I like, I sleep. The minute it goes from ‘Everybody Loves Raymond’ (I’m limited by my channels)–to something like “King of Queens” or “Three’s Company”–I wake up. I love House and my daughter has all the seasons. I can sleep through a whole DVD of his shows and then they end and I’m awake.

    When I was going through a particularly difficult time in my life–Jeff Foxworthy kept me laughing. I listened to his tapes rather than listening to music in the car. My family is extremely ‘serious,’ but they also have extremely dry senses of humor and get them together and we laugh until we are sick–my 2 kids and my niece and nephews–especially my niece–kept me almost sane for some years there. I won’t go into her antics.

    My daughter loves I Love Lucy–as does her dad–we have most of the seasons on DVD.

    • That made me laugh, Colleen… the thought of you using shows to lull you to sleep. It reminded me of a baby only being able to sleep while the car was driving but then immediately woke up when it stopped!! I like Jeff Foxworthy too… he’s a funny dude!

  4. Lindsay

    The tv show “The Middle” is my all time favorite show its on Wednesday nights at 7 pm on ABC, I can’t get enough of it!!!

    Happy Mother’s Day to my mom I think she has to be one of the all time best mom’s out there! We are sure lucky to be raised by someone so selfless and loving oh and not to mention FUN! Happy Mother’s Day mom! Love you!

  5. Louisa a.k.a. ProudMomToTwo

    I just got a sweet email from my mom. She just wanted to wish me Happy Mother’s Day and tell me she got our card and package that we sent.
    I am not real close to my mom ( not like you are with yours, Whitney – you are very blessed there girlfriend ) but she is a keeper none the less.

    Question of the Day: Who makes you laugh? Which TV shows/movies make you laugh?

    I laugh every day, even in my darkest times of grief, because my kids are just so stinkin’ sweet and deep and such a blessing. We laugh ( like deep belly laughs ) often because of some of the things they say or do.
    My daughter has my same sense of humor but my son (OMG) he can knock me out sometimes.
    We have that MeTV channel now and the kids have been watching I Love Lucy and The Honeymooners. The other day, we were doing school and my kids were getting itchy so I gave them a recess to blow off some energy. My daughter loves to pester and aggravate my son to no end. As they were coming in from outside playing on the trampoline she did one more thing to aggravate and he turned on her and said, “Bang! Zoom! To The Moon – L!!”
    My daughter and I were surprised and then we BUSTED out laughing and couldn’t stop. My son just stood there with this serious type smirk on his face – perfectly content with the effect he had on us.

  6. jen

    I like Ellen too because she’s funny. But you make me laugh most every day too. Love your blog!

  7. Karen

    whitney, why am I not getting your wonderful blog on my e-mail any more. I have to connect through your mother. I keep signing up again. Help!

    • Well that’s annoying for you!! I’m sorry, Karen! I’m not sure why you aren’t getting the emails, but a thought came to mind that maybe the emails are getting to you but going in your Spam folder of your email and not your inbox. If you can’t figure the spam folder thing out, holler and I’d be happy just to send you a separate email each day after I’ve finished typing it.

  8. HollyH

    Jim Gaffigan is hilarious, especially late at night when you’re really tired. Last time we watched him I had tears streaming down my face I was laughing so hard. Love that you put ‘I love Lucy’ on your list. I thought I was the only person our age who watched that as a kid.

    • Jim Gaffigan’s name is ringing a bell but I can’t place him. I’ll have to add him to my list to YouTube one time!

      Yay… Lucy is a classic. Not much can compare. You need to pass the tradition on to your Sushi-loving young’uns!

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