Tag Archives: student ID

No Thanks… I’d Rather Look Like A Fat Blob…

I worked all weekend and Labor Day, so had Tuesdee off.  I figured I better get the things I needed to get done for my classes at USU while I was available during business hours.  First things first… picking up my student ID card.  Heck if I’m going to pay an arm, a leg, and a uterus and not take advantage of the side perks… like staring at boring dissertations in the library.  I’m telling you… forget paint drying… that there activity is the new turtle stuck in a bucket of tar feature!

I figured I’d kill 3 birds with 800 stones and do some exersaucing as well, so I walked to school… which would have totally been no big deal at all, except that it was 96 degrees, walking up a steep hill, and I forgot the point of me walking up the hill with no shoes and no pants was to have my picture taken at the end of it.  Hello red beety face.  Just call me Rudolph-o the Red-Faced Redneck.  Oh lawsy gracious, brain waves… work for me here!

When I arrived at the student ID office, the lady asked if I’d ever had an ID before.  Apparently, I didn’t look 18… the NERVE!  I told her I’d had one 800 years ago.  She pulled it up on the computer and turned her screen to show me.

That’s not you!  Do you want a new picture?  I didn’t know not getting a picture taken was an option so I jumped on that like a broken-springed trampoline and said no.  I hate pictures of myself… I’m sooooo not photogenic.  My head is a big gob of a thing and I always look so goobery… like I’m staring at a piece of bacon in the distance.  Any time I have the option not to have one taken… YES MA’AM!  So, I told her the one she had on the screen from when I was 18 was fine… even if I looked like my head got slammed into a vice grip and then swolled up from an allergic reaction.  Another of her co-workers happened to be nosing her way over and was all like… Oh, you can’t keep that picture.  That doesn’t even look like you!  And I’m all like… why, because that chic’s face doesn’t look like she got stuck in a food fight at a beet eating convention?  I prefer not to look like a sunburnt rutabaga for the remainder of my college career…. it’ll be 50 years… at least!

They wouldn’t take no for an answer, so I sat my butt on the picture stool and got me a new picture… as if I need to answer questions every time I show it.  Is your face about to explode?  This isn’t you… you’re not red enough?

They were actually really sweet ladies.  Thank you, ladies for making my day… even if I am the proud owner of a slimmer, but redder-faced student ID card!

Question of the Day:  Do you like your student ID/driver’s license picture?  Why or why not? 



Filed under School, Uncategorized